Sex scandal stars The X-Files, David Duchovny, the most surprising in the year 2008. Addictions colleagues Gillian Anderson is the most sex. At least it is envisaged from the results of a poll of American magazine Weekly More than 30 percent of readers choose Duchovny as a recognition that not opener.
Duchovny is figure is a far from the personal scandals. So when Duchovny enter rehabilitation addicted sex, which made many people surprised. Under the sex scandal David Duchovny, Bobby Simpson trial and the case penganiyaan done by the stars' The Dark Night ', Christian Bale, ranked second and third, from the results of a poll that magazine.
The readers also chose Angelina Jolie as the mother of most sections in 2008. At least a friend living Bradt Pitt still has a slim body even though the baby is delivered twin.
The readers also chose Angelina Jolie as the mother of most sections in 2008. At least a friend living Bradt Pitt still has a slim body even though the baby is delivered twin. Meanwhile, actor George Clooney and Halle Berry as celebrities off the most winsome despite their age is above 40 years old. Movie stars' Forrest Gump ', Tom Hanks, as the reader has to seeing the most intelligent in 2008